The Slow, Steady Unraveling of the Ties that Bind

A mere twenty-one days ago, near the end of the conversation under my post titled ‘The federal government has broken the compact between the United States and the States’, in which I repeated a critical question regarding our expiring Republic since just after the 2020 election (“At what point do some of these united states tire of others not participating in the agreed to compact in good faith?”), I made note:

Let’s just go ahead and identify New York as one of those not participating in good faith.

Needless to say, but New York did not do anything this week to improve their position among those loyal to the idea of a constitutional republic:

Again, as the one who mentions here quite often that I intend to always keep my feet firmly planted in a red county in a red state, I am also very supportive of those in a position to take more active measures. Like this:

Trump-Backing Truckers Refuse to Drive to NYC After Former President Slapped With $355 Million Fine

I have no idea if this effort will spread, and if it does, how far. It may very well turn out to be the tiniest of pin pricks to that big state…if even that. This time.

But I also suspect that more and more of us in the Country Class are noticing the growing pile of abuses from DC and the enabling states. Will November be the tipping point?

Ever deeper into the abyss…

One thought on “The Slow, Steady Unraveling of the Ties that Bind

  1. Rodin

    Now, more than ever, Stalin’s formulation is important: It doesn’t matter who votes. It only matters who counts the votes. Better keep an eye on the counting as if your life depends on it. It does.

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